Global Wireless provides wireless solutions to medium and large business in all provinces across Canada. Through a consultative approach, we help clients reduce and manage costs, improve service levels and reduce administrative overheads. test
Corporate Customers:
If you are a corporate customer, please use the .
Value Added Services include:
Consulting, Applications Analysis, Financial Review, Operational Review, Process Mapping, Customized Web Based
Ordering and Management tools, Project Management, Bilingual Support
If you find that within your organization:
Your wireless services are all over the map with various vendors
You need to get a handle on costs and start to manage them and you need a plan.
You need to reduce administrative overhead and improve efficiency in managing wireless services.
You need to improve the responsiveness of your supplier
You need to organize and manage your cellular services.
You need to develop policy framework within your organization, implement and communicate it, without additional resources
Telecom resources are stretched, and you need an improved approach to managing wireless services
You are an international company and you need to align telecom processes globally
You have many divisions in your company, each operating autonomously, and you need to pull them together , standardize and manage with one process.
You are in "Strategic Sourcing, Shared Services, Purchasing / Finance" and you need to implement an improved, better managed and reduced cost for wireless services.
You need to improve the responsiveness to your end users, reduce your own internal end user support
requirements, and improve financial management of wireless services.
You find that your company's current approach to wireless services is unmanageable, and you are getting bogged down in detail
You are an outsourcing company and you have special requirements and processes nationally and globally
You need to reduce the red tape and improve financial management
You need to spend less time managing day to day requests and improve your ability to manage the telecom budget
You are in Finance and you need new to understand the opportunities to reduce overall costs, from a supplier that has broad experience in this area.
You require cellular
Then contact us! You will be glad you did. We can work effectively at any level in your organization. You will receive a clear, concise report with measurable results.